It's good to see the old board get the sendoff it deserves. And that laugh - that laugh haunts my dreams.
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Happy Mother's Day
This video post is especially for mum, who loves Steely Dan so much she almost named me Aja, but was vetoed. Sad.
Mum loves Walter, she loves Donald, and she loves them best when they combine forces to funk their way into all of our hearts. This particular selection is a Donald only, though, because there's a slight chance she's never heard it before.
There's an even better chance she's never seen this totally awesome miniature robot nightmare video, which is by Michel Gondry (that part of the post is for me - I love that little French dude with everything I've got).
jog for global harmony
My walkman (!) is so bulky. I prefer the mix my brain provides as I run down the street in the morning. For whatever reason (probable reason: AWESOMENESS), I've had this song on infinite loop for the past week or so, and it's done wonders for my motivation.
I do not look nearly as bitchin' as the Pointer Sisters do, but I still feel like I could run forever. The only flaw: it is very difficult to do the funky hip-and-shoulder shimmy while jogging. I recommend trying anyway, because if you accidentally succeed, can world peace be far behind?