Whacked out Hitchcock imitations and men in dresses, blended heavily with Jennifer Jason Leigh.
Faith No More is sort of the Jonathan Richman of the fun metal world, in that they have massive amounts of integrity and cred. Also their frontman is kind of adorable. This never hurts.
Why didn't this song become a more enduring hit? It should have been on every '90s weekend the local rock radio station ever did. Instead they're playing 'Epic', and only 'Epic'. This is what can only be described as a gross injustice.
Thursday, February 15, 2007
How to never annoy me
It's possible my math is off
This came on in the car a couple of hours ago and I got all excited and reached for the volume knob. Almost instinctively.
"Why do you love this song so much?"
Hey, that's a good question. I don't know... is it the rap video full of long-hairs? The princess leia guy? Twiggy Ramirez? The bleeped swearing and gratuitously cranked-out guitar riffs? I take it back, your question is stupid.
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
A Valentine's Day Warning
When they're that hot, they WILL kill you. By accident if necessary. What she's doing there is a passive aggressive thing where he eventually has a massive heart attack. Sneaky. But he deserves it for the smack. It's an unfortunate relic, that smack.
Will anyone else ever have legs that fabulous? Probably not. Nobody trains to be a dancer for 14 hours a day anymore. Don't look at me either, I have a job and rent to pay, and that sort of thing. Nobody pays top-dollar for sharp choreography anymore.
And I'll tell you another thing, that hairdo may have been stylish, but it was obviously annoying - proving that not everything was better in the old days. Sexier maybe, but not better.
Monday, February 5, 2007
Birds! Humans! Birds!
Part of the Judge/Hertzfeldt Animation Show, which we watched more of this weekend. Available remarkably cheaply on DVD "all over" according to an operative.
I like how everyone sings along to the universal soundtrack, no matter their species/predicament. If real life went this way I'm pretty sure we'd all be happier people.
This is one you can show your mother. I know, because I did, and she liked it quite a bit.
Thursday, February 1, 2007
All things are possible
What am I even saying? I love the Belgians. For all I know this is just their natural state, all pleather-pants and, uh, horribly damaged neck muscles.
I think I saw a Quebecois woman do a cover of this in the mid-90s, and that's where I heard it first. I love you Quebec, with your independent culture. I just wish you weren't so exclusive about it.
I also wish I could travel back 25 years, to when frighteningly flashy computer animation was still fresh and new. No seriously, I'm feeling honest nostalgia for that. It really was unabashedly cool and not tacky at all. Can you imagine?