This movie deserves some serious attention, it is rad.
After three hours, I'm pro mustache. That's how rad it is. You should be gasping right now. That's better.
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
When in doubt, shake yer damn jewelry!
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
And gratuitously, one more.
I don't know why it's funny for 2 and a half minutes... it just is.
I like watching the puppets for the way the elements are combined. The mouths on the pink furry cow aliens are the same as the eyes on the... cave man? But because you stick them somewhere different it makes a whole new character.
I also want to know how they made such expressive orange hair. It's all feathers I guess, but you'd think they'd have to spend loads of time refurbishing it every night. In this way I suppose being a muppet is much like being a woman.
Feeling good about yourself.
It's underrated. I know that self-loathing will allow you to write successful rock music and wacked-out poetry, plus the girls like it when you look pissed and your hair gets in your eyes, but come on. It's got to be easier to be green than to be pissed, let's put it that way.
Wednesday, January 3, 2007
le monde ENTIER
1971, and it rocks my world so hard. Sad to say there's very little pertinent information (in English) online. What I can tell you is that she's still around. Or something. Not sure in what capacity, maybe she's an air hostess, but guaranteed she's still completely rad, no matter what the circumstances.
It's always time for 90s nostalgia
Actually, maybe I'm sick of 90s nostalgia. But who could ever get tired of those hand-dance moves? Only a complete cretin, that's who. Damn, I love Shirley, she's at least eleven shades of sassy.
Tuesday, January 2, 2007
"These are the Good Old Days" by Socalled, from Montreal. There are some weird bits where the shirt-merge doesn't quite work, but I love the accordion, the approaching baldness, the song, and the concept (but not necessarily in that order). I also love the NFB.
Monday, January 1, 2007
Gloriously animated TP
From the desk of YouTube:
Can you do better than this clip? If you are between the ages of 9 and 20 and live in Canada, then grab your digital camera and show us your talent as a budding filmmaker! Deadline to registrer and to submit your film: January 15, 2007! For more info, visit
I wish I was young and had some sort of artistic talent. As it is I'm completely mesmerized by the moving inanimate objects. Drool.
dooo... doooDOOOdoo dooooo...
Why don't we still get these between episodes of Mr. Dressup and Passe-Partout? A couple of these would nicely balance out the commercials for cheese doodles.
As an added challenge, I dare you to write to the Canadian Wildlife Service, Ottawa, asking them for their 'wolf information packet', containing who knows what. Or even better - try to get someone on the phone. And try to get them to tell you about wolves in French, whether you speak it or not. Basically choose your level of difficulty, on this one.