Oh sure. Also possibly the best (only?) live Peanuts party reenactment ever.
The improbable Elvis impersonations really are the best, aren't they?
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Elvis "swept my halls"
Thursday, September 6, 2007
That bit.
That bit where the laser beam's goin' up his jaffers. Is that the correct spelling?
Alan Partridge loves James Bond, and so do I.
Thursday, August 30, 2007
He just don't look well. Also, he's Scotch.
Steve Coogan plays both Tommy Saxondale and the "gay mancunian heroin addict." And you get to see his ass crack. So, you know, enjoy.
The kid is delightful too.
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Only the lonely.
Largely, I prefer the stage performances. Since this is basically a stage performance relocated to a bedroom, I'm more than satisfied.
Monday, August 20, 2007
Battle Royale (with cheese)
"Chak de! India", currently playing at select Canadian theatres (and all the heck over the eastern hemisphere). You too can go be amazed by twelve-foot-high award-winning hair. Gives new meaning, and syllables, to the word 'lustrous' Grr.
This, of course, is the infamous and groundbreaking scene wherein 15 girls beat the ever-loving crap out of about ten guys in a McDonald's dining room. Genius.
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Magnum P.E.I.
If you happen to be in Charlottetown this summer, be on your toes. The potatoes are counting on you.
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
"Ch-check it out, they're babies!"
Hilarious Ryan. But seriously, if they were any more fresh-faced it'd kill me. That green wind breaker, there's an 80s fashion classic, no?
Monday, July 9, 2007
The cuddliest rapper.
New fantasy movie night: watch Spinal Tap with the Beatsie Boys. Or even just Yauch, because my apartment's not that big. Cheezies and vodka would be involved.
Thursday, July 5, 2007
Sunday, July 1, 2007
It can't be overstated. Evil Dead II is amazing.
And it was a complete crime when they took Reboot off the air, it was an amazing show.
Sunday, June 24, 2007
France, underpants.
A clip from Jhoom Barabar Jhoom, now playing at the big Mission multiplex (we saw a fabulous matinee just this afternoon)!
Our story so far:
Rikki is telling the story of how he met his fiancee. He's in Paris, he has no money to pay his hotel bill, he leaves his bags and lottery ticket with the (hot hot!) hotel manager to go back to England and get the money. *gasp* While in London, Rikki finds out he won the lottery (second prize: ticket to hollywood!), and speeds back to Paris, having solemnly promised his boss that he'll bring back the prize. Meanwhile, hotel manageress has fallen in love with him and is very disappointed that all he wants is a ticket to hollywood, rather than a ticket into her pants. He then sings a hilarious song, the gist of which is "Please love me, hot lady, or at least give me my ticket to hollywood!"
As you can see, she's very sassy about it.
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Addicted to Pinatas
The Ray-Bans, they slay me. But it's the sweater vest that really puts me over the edge. Sweater-vest? Sweatervest? Whatever it is, it's fabulous.
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
slo-mo violence
It's good to see the old board get the sendoff it deserves. And that laugh - that laugh haunts my dreams.
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Happy Mother's Day
This video post is especially for mum, who loves Steely Dan so much she almost named me Aja, but was vetoed. Sad.
Mum loves Walter, she loves Donald, and she loves them best when they combine forces to funk their way into all of our hearts. This particular selection is a Donald only, though, because there's a slight chance she's never heard it before.
There's an even better chance she's never seen this totally awesome miniature robot nightmare video, which is by Michel Gondry (that part of the post is for me - I love that little French dude with everything I've got).
jog for global harmony
My walkman (!) is so bulky. I prefer the mix my brain provides as I run down the street in the morning. For whatever reason (probable reason: AWESOMENESS), I've had this song on infinite loop for the past week or so, and it's done wonders for my motivation.
I do not look nearly as bitchin' as the Pointer Sisters do, but I still feel like I could run forever. The only flaw: it is very difficult to do the funky hip-and-shoulder shimmy while jogging. I recommend trying anyway, because if you accidentally succeed, can world peace be far behind?
Monday, April 23, 2007
We watched a few episodes of this while on vacation last week, and boy was it terrific. Apart from Mitch, the most annoying ape of all time, and Jimmy, the depressed woman disguised as a little boy. Other than that it was fan-effing-tastic.
Thursday, April 5, 2007
Explaining Tuesday
My favourite rhyme here is "tequila" with "disappeeah".
Odd how this little cautionary tale carries that unmistakeable mood with it - you know, the one that says "hey, let's all go get hammered."
Tuesday, April 3, 2007
Monday, April 2, 2007
Arsinee Khanjian would look hot in a paper bag.
So what I'm saying, I guess, is the whole thing is not exactly fair.
Ordinarily I wouldn't post some interview, but would wait for an actual clip. However, this being a Canadian film, upon production it was quickly whisked away to the appropriate black hole.
This is a very good Canadian film though. I'm trying to make the effort, cultural support, right?
My only beef: Grandma and her daughter look pretty damn close in age. I am not fooled by the sleek white hair, lady.
Thursday, March 1, 2007
That 'Spawn' guy knows nothing, nothing!
Last week on Granville St we spotted a set of Freddie dolls. And a Kurt Cobain. Dull. Anyway, Freddie of course is not dull, and they had him both long haired and smooth, and short haired and bemustached. BUT, they did not have awesome vacuuming Freddie, nor did they have weird naked dalmatian Freddie.
Seriously, facial hair Barbie - I would have that pre-ordered so fast my credit card would gasp in alarm.
Thursday, February 15, 2007
How to never annoy me
Whacked out Hitchcock imitations and men in dresses, blended heavily with Jennifer Jason Leigh.
Faith No More is sort of the Jonathan Richman of the fun metal world, in that they have massive amounts of integrity and cred. Also their frontman is kind of adorable. This never hurts.
Why didn't this song become a more enduring hit? It should have been on every '90s weekend the local rock radio station ever did. Instead they're playing 'Epic', and only 'Epic'. This is what can only be described as a gross injustice.
It's possible my math is off
This came on in the car a couple of hours ago and I got all excited and reached for the volume knob. Almost instinctively.
"Why do you love this song so much?"
Hey, that's a good question. I don't know... is it the rap video full of long-hairs? The princess leia guy? Twiggy Ramirez? The bleeped swearing and gratuitously cranked-out guitar riffs? I take it back, your question is stupid.
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
A Valentine's Day Warning
When they're that hot, they WILL kill you. By accident if necessary. What she's doing there is a passive aggressive thing where he eventually has a massive heart attack. Sneaky. But he deserves it for the smack. It's an unfortunate relic, that smack.
Will anyone else ever have legs that fabulous? Probably not. Nobody trains to be a dancer for 14 hours a day anymore. Don't look at me either, I have a job and rent to pay, and that sort of thing. Nobody pays top-dollar for sharp choreography anymore.
And I'll tell you another thing, that hairdo may have been stylish, but it was obviously annoying - proving that not everything was better in the old days. Sexier maybe, but not better.
Monday, February 5, 2007
Birds! Humans! Birds!
Part of the Judge/Hertzfeldt Animation Show, which we watched more of this weekend. Available remarkably cheaply on DVD "all over" according to an operative.
I like how everyone sings along to the universal soundtrack, no matter their species/predicament. If real life went this way I'm pretty sure we'd all be happier people.
This is one you can show your mother. I know, because I did, and she liked it quite a bit.
Thursday, February 1, 2007
All things are possible
What am I even saying? I love the Belgians. For all I know this is just their natural state, all pleather-pants and, uh, horribly damaged neck muscles.
I think I saw a Quebecois woman do a cover of this in the mid-90s, and that's where I heard it first. I love you Quebec, with your independent culture. I just wish you weren't so exclusive about it.
I also wish I could travel back 25 years, to when frighteningly flashy computer animation was still fresh and new. No seriously, I'm feeling honest nostalgia for that. It really was unabashedly cool and not tacky at all. Can you imagine?
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
When in doubt, shake yer damn jewelry!
This movie deserves some serious attention, it is rad.
After three hours, I'm pro mustache. That's how rad it is. You should be gasping right now. That's better.
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
And gratuitously, one more.
I don't know why it's funny for 2 and a half minutes... it just is.
I like watching the puppets for the way the elements are combined. The mouths on the pink furry cow aliens are the same as the eyes on the... cave man? But because you stick them somewhere different it makes a whole new character.
I also want to know how they made such expressive orange hair. It's all feathers I guess, but you'd think they'd have to spend loads of time refurbishing it every night. In this way I suppose being a muppet is much like being a woman.
Feeling good about yourself.
It's underrated. I know that self-loathing will allow you to write successful rock music and wacked-out poetry, plus the girls like it when you look pissed and your hair gets in your eyes, but come on. It's got to be easier to be green than to be pissed, let's put it that way.
Wednesday, January 3, 2007
le monde ENTIER
1971, and it rocks my world so hard. Sad to say there's very little pertinent information (in English) online. What I can tell you is that she's still around. Or something. Not sure in what capacity, maybe she's an air hostess, but guaranteed she's still completely rad, no matter what the circumstances.
It's always time for 90s nostalgia
Actually, maybe I'm sick of 90s nostalgia. But who could ever get tired of those hand-dance moves? Only a complete cretin, that's who. Damn, I love Shirley, she's at least eleven shades of sassy.
Tuesday, January 2, 2007
"These are the Good Old Days" by Socalled, from Montreal. There are some weird bits where the shirt-merge doesn't quite work, but I love the accordion, the approaching baldness, the song, and the concept (but not necessarily in that order). I also love the NFB.
Monday, January 1, 2007
Gloriously animated TP
From the desk of YouTube:
Can you do better than this clip? If you are between the ages of 9 and 20 and live in Canada, then grab your digital camera and show us your talent as a budding filmmaker! Deadline to registrer and to submit your film: January 15, 2007! For more info, visit http://www.nfb.ca/animation.
I wish I was young and had some sort of artistic talent. As it is I'm completely mesmerized by the moving inanimate objects. Drool.
dooo... doooDOOOdoo dooooo...
Why don't we still get these between episodes of Mr. Dressup and Passe-Partout? A couple of these would nicely balance out the commercials for cheese doodles.
As an added challenge, I dare you to write to the Canadian Wildlife Service, Ottawa, asking them for their 'wolf information packet', containing who knows what. Or even better - try to get someone on the phone. And try to get them to tell you about wolves in French, whether you speak it or not. Basically choose your level of difficulty, on this one.